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Alison Scheide: Graphic 2

This image was the second Graphics assignment for EDET 703.  The image was required to have six different elements.  The elements used in this image were the stage, the seats, the conductor, the music stand, the bagpipe playing Donald Duck and the music notes.


This image was created using the GIMP editor. The elements were found from Pixabay and a Google Image search.  The music notes were created using the paintbrush tool in GIMP.


When deciding what to create I was creatively stuck, so I hopped on Facebook for some inspiration.  I saw that the chaplain from my alma mater, Alma College, was giving the invocation of the Michigan governor's State of the State address.  This gave me immense nostalgia for my undergraduate days.  Alma College was founded by Scottish immigrants and it has it's own official tartan and bagpipes are extremely important to the campus culture.  Once I began thinking about bagpipes it was all decided from there.

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